The Wide Field Of Indian Astrology Signs

Numerous large digital sky surveys and archives already exist, with information content measured in multiple Terabytes, and even larger, multi-Petabyte data sets are on the horizon. Even if you don’t usually check your birth chart, this time you really want to. Charts only repeat every 25,920 years even when we limit charts to the common local solar system planets. The system is designed in such a way that students move from class to class alias from one learning centre to another learning centre. Our solar system is not too close, or too far from the Milky Ways center. These two eclipses, lunar and solar, Full and New Moons, touch my birth chart in significant ways. Now it seems I’ll be invited into new ways of learning about Mercurius. Does that mean I know exactly what I’m doing now? If you’ve met me, you know I am much healthier now, yet rheumatoid arthritis continues to be a struggle and a limiter. Now, it’s true, Taurus can be a bit stodgy, loving the familiar and the comfortable, and letting anything upsetting just go right on by.

The last eclipse that occurred close to the Taurus degree of this one happened on April 29, 1995, nineteen years ago. Where does this New Moon eclipse fall for you? No, THIS Taurus New Moon breaks through to everything that is deep in us, what is truly fundamental, where our roots truly are. It’s the Taurus that underlies Reject and Protect (are those Taurus words, or what?), an alliance of (yes!) cowboys and Indians to stop the Keystone Pipeline. But THIS Taurus New Moon won’t be doing that. Read more about this Super Full Moon at Lunar Living Astrology. In order to avoid the rage of the Church and to make it more acceptable in 1600 an astrologer William Lilly renamed astrology “Christian Astrology”. A good astrologer comprehends the problem accurately and suggests feasible and helpful solutions. In the Internet world, there are many software solutions developed and distributed for free as open source and for a price.

There are a lot of blowouts going on. And as this all happens, one of the huge issues here in the US of A (where I write) is a mammoth and as-yet uncontrolled oil spill going on in the Gulf of Mexico. Here is a list of each planet (including Pluto and Chiron) showing which sign they are currently in, whether they are in a retrograde motion, and what will happen to them next. There’s one more echo here I want to mention. From Astrology to Witchcraft, we’ve got you covered with monthly newsletters with articles, sales, new releases, and more. I will never share your personal information or astrology readings with any one. I think I will be doing more writing, traveling, and shamanic exploration. So, more personal info than I usually share but then, these aren’t usual times we live in, and this isn’t my usual post. In fact, I found this out on the following day so, when I discovered this, the film was indeed exactly 10 lunar sidereal months old.

We did hold a number of Astronomy Day public viewing sessions in the 1980s, which we ran just as we did our other two. Theoreticians in two different fields defied the common knowledge that planets orbit stars like the Sun. In common with other UK Government establishments, the UKHO has to operate very strict IT security policies, and future “false positives” cannot be ruled out. The built-in battery-powered cooling fan turned out to be less of a mere gimmick than I thought it would. Turns out Mercury is absolutely central to my chart, and (as I said) strongly affected by these eclipses. This is a powerful time we’re in, between the Full Moon and New Moon eclipses. The Full Moon eclipse happened right on top of my Mercury-Neptune conjunction, trined my Pluto-Ascendant conjunction, and squared my Uranus-Neptune conjunction as well as my Chiron (who opposes Uranus-Jupiter while all square Mercury-Neptune). One of the great posts I found this week is Molly Hall’s discussion of how eclipse aspects to our natal planets can affect us. The New Moon eclipse is in my Ninth House of journeys (all kinds) and trines my Moon, is inconjunct my Sun, and trines my North Node-Mars conjunction.

This decision became very clear for me yesterday, during the Balsamic Moon. This is the last post I’ll write for my blog Rising Moon Astrology. But I do have a wee bit of clarity on what needs to happen next, and that includes not writing the blog for now. I am aware that stopping the blog will probably limit my ability to reach new clients and yet, this is the right thing for me now. So now I’m wondering what this new horizon holds for me, and planting seeds for good stewardship of my own self, the life I have yet to live, and the planet I live it on. This is stewardship of the land, of culture, and of the future. The apparent dimming of star or planet when low on the horizon due to absorption by the Earth’s atmosphere. He made the argument that terrestrial planets and gas giants should be linked together, leaving Pluto in the dwarf planet category.